Friday 1 March 2013

Omiyage, Chocolate and the Search for White Shoes

Four days until I leave for Japan, and I'm surrounded by London paraphernalia, boxes of shoes and an unholy amount of chocolate.

In case you're not familiar with the term omiyage(お土産), it's the Japanese word for gifts. You see, gift-giving in Japan is almost a way of life; when you meet someone for the first time (such as new colleagues, your boss etc. when you start a new job), and you want to make a good impression on them, you give them a gift. When you come back from holiday, you make sure you bring gifts back for everyone. When you part company with someone (for the foreseeable future) you exchange gifts. 

Omiyage for any occasion can be bought from shops throughout Japan; Omiyage shops can even be found selling 'foreign' gifts in Japanese airports (for those who forgot to get something whilst on holiday).

When meeting someone for the first time, especially if you're coming from outside Japan, the gift should be connected to where you come from. Hence, I found myself being jostled and pushed in a busy souvenir shop in Covent Garden. 
Covent Garden Market

It was a surreal experience being in a throng of French, German and American tourists, browsing through key rings depicting red buses and telephone boxes. 

After queuing at the till for what felt like an age, I finally got out with a clutch of key rings to add to my omiyage hoard. 

Omiyage in all their glory

Yes. I am taking canvas bags. 

I haven't lost the plot though. After much consulting with my Japanese friends, I've found out that Japanese women love canvas bags. And they are suitable omiyage! 

Another suggestion my friend gave me was Maldon Sea Salt,  but I couldn't bring myself to take that...

I also have some Cath Kidston tea towels and note books (Cath Kidston is very popular in Japan), used tea bag dishes (with London landmarks) and fruit teas from Fortnam and Mason. 

Omiyage weren't the only things to bring me into London. The discovery of how easy it is to buy shoes online (I'm very lazy) mixed with the need to buy white slip-ons to wear for work in Hiroshima means I currently have four boxes of shoes to send back (I've already returned a further three pairs).

Me trying to make shoe boxes look interesting...

I got to the Superdry store to be told I had to send them back via post, (-_-) so I spent the next few hours lugging shoes around London whilst I took photos of landmarks to show to people in Japan. 

I was looking for the MI5 building because I saw Skyfall the other day but I found a fish streetlight instead...

I didn't notice the awkward man posing until too late...

No crazy, knife-wielding men here...

Now, I must admit that I'm going through a bit of a crisis. Having never been to Japan before, I have no idea what the chocolate is like there, but I'm guessing it will be similar to Hurshey's (America has many influences on Japan and I'm afraid this may be one of them). 

There is no competition between Cadbury and Hurshey's (FACT), so I've been taking precautionary measures:

Don't judge me...

I'm also thinking of adding Jaffa Cakes to my stash (I'm going to need a second suitcase anyway...) But all this gluttony is ok; I'm going to take up swimming again. Every week. Honest...

The Virgin Atlantic website says I have 3 days 12 hours and 37 minutes until my flight. I still can't believe it's coming so soon! It doesn't feel real yet.

I haven't written anything this long since gcse English. I need a rest. I'll try and post something before I leave.


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